Cherie Adamson,

I've always been absolutely passionate about Health and Wellbeing...

My journey into this field wasn't just a career choice; it was born from navigating through the darkest moments of my life. After losing my spouse at the young age of 34, with five young children to care for, I knew I would need every resource available to look after myself and my family. I found solace and transformation in various healing practices that not only helped me survive but thrive.

Those experiences ignited a fire within me to share this newfound wisdom with as many people as possible. I made a personal commitment to become the solution to the challenges I faced, both for myself and for others in similar situations.

When I gaze at the world, I'm not just seeing what's there; I'm seeing what could be improved, what's missing but not acknowledged. It's a journey of seeking deeper healing, finding greater efficiency, fostering alignment, and enhancing productivity.

To me, this journey is all about the simple yet profound power of "Breath"...

So I embarked on a Profound Journey

Exploring the realm of Health & Wellbeing became my passion and purpose. Along this path, I've embraced a myriad of healing modalities in my quest to overcome grief, combat low self-esteem, manage chronic stress, and evade frequent burnouts.

From immersive workshops to soul-nourishing retreats, I've delved into Sound Healing, Deep Inner Journey work, Focusing, Voice Activation, Hot Yoga, Plant Medicine, Sacred Rhythm, Cacao Initiation, TRE, Warm Water Rebirthing, Family Constellations, and more. The list is extensive, but amidst it all, one element stands out—Breath.

My fascination in the power of our breath led me train with some of the worlds best training providers listed below on this page. I am eternally grateful to all the teachers and guides that have shared their knowledge and gifts. I am continuing to learn and expand my knowledge so that I can continue to expand my awareness and be of the highest service to all around me.

For me, Breathwork is the cornerstone of healing. It embodies the very essence of the universe's paradox, offering the most potent healing tool right under our noses, quite literally, available 24/7. Through Conscious Connected Breathwork, I find myself grounded, present, and truly alive in every moment.

What can Calon Breathwork Offer you?
As long as you are breathing, I can be of service. Whether you are an individual, group or organisation I have services offering from 1-1 and group coaching, breathwork classes, workshops and events. I create corporate wellbeing tailored to your organisations needs from 45 minute to full day in length.

Do reach out to me for an exploration call or email and we can explore how you can benefit from working with me

Cherie A
Cherie Adamson

Breathwork and Reiki Therapist

Book your exploration call
My trainings
  • My professional breathwork trainings include 400 hour Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitation(Conscious Connected Breathing)with Alchemy of Breath which is the only triple Board accredited Breathwork Trainers worldwide.
  • I've studied Pranayama Breathwork Instructor Course with Michael Bijker through Yoga Life Awareness Program(YOGALAP)
  • REIKI Level 2 with Jamie-Leigh of Sacred Magick
  • Buteyko Method with Patrick Mckewn of The Buteyko Clinic
  • Breath based Hatha Yoga and Pranayama with AKASHA yoga Academy.
  • I've also trained in Naturapathy, RHS Horticulture and I hold a Degree in Human Resource Management
cnhc registered